When you pay your premiums on time, you can reasonably expect that your insurance coverage will be there when you need it. Unfortunately, this is not always the case when insurers fail to uphold their obligations to policyholders. If you have been a victim of insurance bad faith, contact Brodhead Law right away. Our experienced Atlanta attorneys advocate for those who have been treated in bad faith by an insurance company.
Insurance bad faith and negligent failure to settle occurs when an insurance company fails to act as a reasonable insurer would in carrying out its obligations to the insured. It may involve refusal by the insurer to investigate and process a claim within a reasonable period of time, or refusal to pay a legitimate claim. There are many ways in which insurance companies may act negligently or in bad faith.
Insurance bad faith can occur in many different ways. Common examples of bad faith tactics include:
Our attorneys at Brodhead Law in Atlanta, Georgia have been acting as dedicated advocates for injured people, with a successful track record, for more than 20 years. If you suspect you have been a victim of insurance bad faith, call our office as soon as possible. We can tell you if you have a case and what damages you may be entitled to claim.